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Social Networking Event at EASD 2024

Are you an early or intermediate career researcher or clinician? Interested in interacting with peers and expanding your international network?

The Early Career Academy Social Networking Event will be a great opportunity to get together with fellows to share ideas and create collaborations in a fun and relaxed setting.


Check our brand new brochure to learn about us and our activities at EASD 2024.

A valid and paid in person registration for the EASD Annual Meeting 2024 in Madrid is mandatory. Please use the credentials from your MyEASD account (email address and password) to log in and register for the event.

How to 'DiRECT' understanding of type 2 diabetes into a major advance in clinical care

Roy Taylor, Principal Investigator of the DiRECT study and Professor at the University of Newcastle joined us for an exclusive webinar to give advise on how to run large-scale clinical trials and to share his expertise and discuss the profound impact of the DiRECT trial on diabetes research and care.

Transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation for treating gastrointestinal symptoms in individuals with diabetes

This time, Ditte Smed Kornum discussed the article 'Transcutaneous Vagal Nerve Stimulation for Treating Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Individuals with Diabetes: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled, Multicentre Trial', recently published in Diabetologia.

Recent Journal Clubs

Recent Webinars

EASD Early Career Academy Activities

Webinars and Workshops


The webinars will be held by senior experts who will provide guidance on very practical, key topics that will help early-career clinical and basic/translational investigators move their skills forward.

Grant writing, work-life balance, manuscript reviewing and scientific communication to the public are just some of the topics that will be delved into by experienced leaders in the field of diabetes.

Journal Clubs

The EASD Early Career Academy Journal Club, in collaboration with Diabetologia, aims to provide authors at an early stage of their career with the opportunity to disseminate their findings and inspire their colleagues worldwide. The Journal Club will also serve as an interactive tool for members of the EASD/Diabetologia community who wish to keep up-to-date with the latest scientific advancements in the field of diabetes in a timely, interactive fashion.

Papers accepted for publication in Diabetologia will be selected by members of the EASD Early Career Academy on a regular basis. The first/junior author of the paper will be invited to present and discuss the work in a live webinar moderated by one of the EASD Early Career Academy members. The webinar will include a Q&A session, when the audience will be able to interact directly with the author.

Postgraduate Education

The EASD Early Career Academy will closely cooperate with the EASD Postgraduate Education Committee (PGEC), which decides the strategy for educational activities (basic scientist training courses, clinician training courses).

Two members of the Year-Round Webinars/Workshops subgroup, who will act on behalf of the EASD Early Career Academy, will sit on the Postgraduate Education Committee. This will allow high interaction between the EASD EArly Career Academy and the PGEC, to jointly design courses tailored to all the EASD Early Career Academy members, and to develop spin-off webinars based on PGE courses. Members of the EASD Early Career Academy will also serve as teachers in the EASD postgraduate courses.

Networking Opportunities

Mentorship Programme

The EASD Early Career Academy Mentorship Programme aims to bring together junior clinicians or researchers with established mentors to accelerate the development and career of the mentee, and to develop their network in the diabetes field.

The programme will facilitate the contact between early-career researchers or clinicians and an engaged mentor with the aim to discuss mentoring-, coaching- and/or project-related topics in an informal atmosphere at approximately five meetings a year, which can be held virtually or in person. For travel expenses, 1,000 Euros/ year will be provided per recipient.


Annual Event

The EASD Early Career Academy aims to provide early career researchers additional opportunities to develop their network and build fruitful collaborations. A special event is organised during the EASD Annual Meeting with the inspirational participation of prize-winning scientists in the field of diabetes.

This event is open to all EASD members and anyone interested in joining the academy to discuss about career development and to network with fellow European early career researchers in informal and friendly settings.

Networking Platform

The EASD Early Career Academy will also work on developing online tools to favour networking all year round such as follow-ups of activities, discussion about grant and job opportunities.

A directory of EASD Early Career Academy members is planned to help early career researchers to connect when looking for complementary skills for their research or develop new projects across Europe.